willis 寫:I found that for a reasonable 5nm narrow band Ha image, usually takes at least 10 mins. I guess for 3nm narrow band Ha may at take at least 15 mins!
社長 寫:willis 寫:I found that for a reasonable 5nm narrow band Ha image, usually takes at least 10 mins. I guess for 3nm narrow band Ha may at take at least 15 mins!
不管3或5nm,目標波段的通光率都接近100%,那同樣曝光例如10分鐘,哪款的訊噪比及訊息強度會高些? 當然最暗/深能拍到什麼,又是另一會事。
社長 寫:- 在香港拍Ha或SII窄頻有很大發揮空間,不少人初拍Ha時都有些喜悅,但OIII便吃力得多了,所以黑暗天空還是沒有替代品的。另外有些天體,因為本身實在太暗,以我的理解,就算是Ha,在香港仍是十分十分吃力,至少我見不到有很類近深度的香港土產照片:
社長 寫:這帖移至相機及配件版,比較貼題。
Raymond TSE 寫:For Tibert, Tai Chung Hill top, Yin Na Hill, East Dam, you would be better off with 5nm (even 7-8-13nm would do quite well) but in more urban areas like HK you should use 3-4.5nm.
willis 寫:What do u mean by "但OIII便吃力得多了"?
willis 寫:社長 寫:這帖移至相機及配件版,比較貼題。
According to ur chinese description "Equipment (Eyepieces & Accessories) - 各類目鏡、濾鏡、平場鏡等光學配件 ". "3nm Vs 5nm ...." should be placed in ""Equipment (Eyepieces & Accessories)..."
willis 寫:社長 寫:willis 寫:I found that for a reasonable 5nm narrow band Ha image, usually takes at least 10 mins. I guess for 3nm narrow band Ha may at take at least 15 mins!
不管3或5nm,目標波段的通光率都接近100%,那同樣曝光例如10分鐘,哪款的訊噪比及訊息強度會高些? 當然最暗/深能拍到什麼,又是另一會事。
What I mean here is that when we look at the histogram, usually we will judge the exposure is enough if the histogram is shifted to the right for about 25% in DSLR imaging. For example, ISO 1600, F4, without any light pollution filter, it may take 30s for histogram to shift about 25%. Perhaps with P2, it may take about 2 mins for the histogram to shift about 25%. So I guess the narrower the band width, the more time it takes to shift the histogram to shift the same amount. Of course, I have no CCD imaging experience, I don't know whether CCD imaging has DSLR like histogram after each shot.
社長 寫:willis 寫:社長 寫:這帖移至相機及配件版,比較貼題。
According to ur chinese description "Equipment (Eyepieces & Accessories) - 各類目鏡、濾鏡、平場鏡等光學配件 ". "3nm Vs 5nm ...." should be placed in ""Equipment (Eyepieces & Accessories)..."
社長 寫:willis 寫:社長 寫:willis 寫:I found that for a reasonable 5nm narrow band Ha image, usually takes at least 10 mins. I guess for 3nm narrow band Ha may at take at least 15 mins!
不管3或5nm,目標波段的通光率都接近100%,那同樣曝光例如10分鐘,哪款的訊噪比及訊息強度會高些? 當然最暗/深能拍到什麼,又是另一會事。
What I mean here is that when we look at the histogram, usually we will judge the exposure is enough if the histogram is shifted to the right for about 25% in DSLR imaging. For example, ISO 1600, F4, without any light pollution filter, it may take 30s for histogram to shift about 25%. Perhaps with P2, it may take about 2 mins for the histogram to shift about 25%. So I guess the narrower the band width, the more time it takes to shift the histogram to shift the same amount. Of course, I have no CCD imaging experience, I don't know whether CCD imaging has DSLR like histogram after each shot.
http://www.cloudynights.com/ubbthreads/ ... in/5640617
Quote :
As mentioned, 3nm H alpha cuts out NII which is common in many planetary and some other emission nebula. This changes the look from what you get with 5nm that picks up both. Nothing wrong with just the H alpha without NII just that it is "different". If LP is an issue then 3nm will help. Otherwise I'd go 5nm. The slight difference in star size can easily be controlled in processing with a bit of deconvolution or other means.
I have an issue you likely don't. I sometimes use Ha for very distant galaxies strong in H alpha. Even 5nm can be too narrow with redshift moving the H alpha line out of the passband! Happened to me even with my 6nm filter. Since my skies are very dark I'm thinking of replacing it with something wider for that reason. Obviously not an issue for typical narrow band imaging.
http://www.cloudynights.com/ubbthreads/ ... in/5760045
Quote :
Except for the HII regions, galaxies are very dim in HA light so I doubt going to 5nm will be of much help. What it does do is widen the bandwidth so you can pick up the HA in more highly redshifted galaxies. While nearby ones like M51 are fine in either 3 or 5nm as redshift increases the HA frequency moves out of the passband.
社長 寫:當然,進入數碼時代,十多年下來,我發現不少愛好者初踏足窄頻攝影,發現Ha的效果跟以前截然不同,北美星雲、馬頭、M42、玫瑰幾乎是必到之處,看到那種對比度層次感的提升,誤以為自己的攝影水平大躍進。
Raymond TSE 寫:Try to buy par-focal narrowband filters with the other LRGB, since you would not have to adjust focus much for each filter.
If you use off-axis guider, par-focal will be more important, as you don't have to adjust the focusing of the guider when you change from LRGB to
I find the same problem during remote imaging with my 7x2 inch FLI filter wheel where I use 1 brand of LRGB and another brand
CS 4.5nm narrowband, since usually there is no way to adjust the focus of the guider remotely.
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