Lunt 最新雙濾模組 - DSII/LS100T

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Lunt 最新雙濾模組 - DSII/LS100T


社長 » 2013-04-24, 11:33

Lunt 最新雙濾模組 - DSII/LS100T,可用於現時的LS100T上,預計6月付運。

價格:港幣 14930

星河科研社為 Lunt Solar System 亞洲區代理。

Just in time for summer…we are happy to announce the new Internal Double Stack Module for the LS100THa. The new DSII/LS100T!


Double stacking provides a truly enhanced high definition view of the Sun's surface details. It lowers the band pass of the system from <0.7 Angstroms to <0.5 Angstroms which really makes the surface “pop”!

The LS100THa can now be internally double stacked (DSII/LS100T) at time of purchase or anytime thereafter. The LS100THa does not need to be returned to the factory for double stacking as long as you have the red anodized front cell on the scope. If you have an older model of the LS100THa with just a white tube (and no red) you will need to upgrade the scope before using the internal double stack DSII/LS100T. The “glow” that is talked about in the DSII for the LS80THa is greatly diminished.

We will start shipping the first units the beginning of June.
DSII LS100T.jpg
DSII LS100T.jpg (19.94 KiB) 被瀏覽 11293 次
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