社長 寫:全球首批第二代LVI將付運予星河科研社(包括列序號001 ),預計四月下旬至五月上旬發貨,現時經已預售完畢,現正加訂第二批次。
The MGA allows the Mirror Lock-up control which can be activated or not. This has been already verified with any Canon DSLR capable of this function.
Looking at page 104 of the Nikon D700 manual (Mirror up mode) I can see the same behaviour: the first press of the shutter release is raising the mirror and the second press is causing the exposure. Do you confirm? If yes, I can substantially state Nikon cameras could also benefit with SmartGuider 2 Mirror Lock-up function!
Find attached a drawing showing how much the backfocus (4.7mm). The sensor is depicted with purple color.
willis 寫:社長 寫:全球首批第二代LVI將付運予星河科研社(包括列序號001 ),預計四月下旬至五月上旬發貨,現時經已預售完畢,現正加訂第二批次。
The MGA allows the Mirror Lock-up control which can be activated or not. This has been already verified with any Canon DSLR capable of this function.
Looking at page 104 of the Nikon D700 manual (Mirror up mode) I can see the same behaviour: the first press of the shutter release is raising the mirror and the second press is causing the exposure. Do you confirm? If yes, I can substantially state Nikon cameras could also benefit with SmartGuider 2 Mirror Lock-up function!
Find attached a drawing showing how much the backfocus (4.7mm). The sensor is depicted with purple color.
Ha! Ha! u said the SN 001 is reserved for me!!! I am waiting for u....
社長 寫:列序號是按付款先後次序而供給的
社長 寫:列序號是按付款先後次序而供給的
Henry Wu 寫:Cable LVI-REF, Can1, L=2m SmartGuider 2 港幣96
Cable LVI-REF, Can2, L=2m SmartGuider 2 港幣144
Can1 與 Can 2 有何不同?
我是使用 Canon 500D 請問要買那一款
Adapter LVI-Vix SmartGuider 1 and 2 港幣216
此 Adapter 是否給 VIXEN 廠牌的SXW赤道儀 轉接使用嗎 ?
但是又有 SmartGuider 1 and 2 之區分嗎 ?
若 YES, 我須要一個 Adapter for VIXEN SXW 赤道儀
Best Regards Henry Wu
Henry Wu 寫:我可以每個月換一個造型 ㄡ.
Cable LVI-REF, Can1, L=2m SmartGuider 2 港幣96 (for Canon 450)
Cable LVI-FOC, L=2m SmartGuider 2 港幣96 (for Steeper Motor)
Adapter LVI-Vix SmartGuider 1 and 2 港幣216
--> 是可以給 VIXEN SXW 使用, 但是 圖上看不出有 “SmartGuider 1 and 2” 之標示
是否為給 VLI 的第一 第二代 之意思嗎 ?
Henry Wu 寫:注意據日本方面說,Vixen的應用Jumper接至AGA-I模式而非ST4模式,才可導星。
=> 是否可以再進一步解釋是如何的 Jumper接至AGA-I模式
圖上看不到有何是 AGA 應該是 MGA
所畫的似乎是 只要 ”Adapter LVI-Vix” 即可, 結果似乎要加 Jumper嗎?
是加 "LVI-ST4 cable" 嗎?
免得客人一買再換的不便..... 謝謝
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