
Observing (Solar system) - 行星、月球、彗星、小行星等各項目視及攝影技巧



cyrus » 2016-06-19, 21:51

今天是充實的一天。首先去了天文學會會址向Eric Sir請教洗鏡和調光軸的方法,最後和他一齊聊天,談了一些不同的話題。

回家後第一時間看木星,由於沒有相機,只是目視而已。 用了60倍,雲帶隱約可見,之後用高倍,是看到了一直沒有看過的影像,十分震撼。

今天也試Nexstar Mount, 那個solar system align十分好用,看來重只是他的唯一缺點。竟然可以360x高倍下5分鐘內不離開視場!


看到C6 意料之外的表現,正在猶豫是否應該購入攝像頭 :cry:
文章: 192
註冊時間: 2015-10-18, 12:37
來自: 香港

Re: 初會木星

文章cyrus » 2016-06-22, 17:06

現在有個問題: 若我選擇DSLR攝影,需要的接環和目鏡投影筒叫價300多元


文章: 192
註冊時間: 2015-10-18, 12:37
來自: 香港

Re: 初會木星

文章David » 2016-06-22, 20:34

We have responded to these sort of questions before. Please refer to these:

I don't know the quality of a $300 webcam though.... If I were you, I would check out the pictures taken by that webcam and see if I like what I see. Very often, you pay what you get.

DSLR vs webcam in planetary photography:

Astronomy is all about compromises.
APM 80/480, SW 120mm Equinox, C8, Obsession 18"UC with Argo Navis & StellarCat
Lunt LS60T/CaK, LS152T with DSII
DMK31AF03, DMK21AF04, DBK21AF04
Mark V Binoviewer, Ethos (3.7mm, 6mm, 13mm), 19mm Panoptic, 5mm TMB mono
文章: 1270
註冊時間: 2010-02-01, 19:33

Re: 初會木星

文章cyrus » 2016-06-22, 21:52

First, the webcam is much better than the DSLR, but it seems the drawback is the skills needed are much higher. But I think I can handle it.

I agree that " You get what you pay". But I wonder whether it is the most economic way to enjoy webcam planetary photography. Since I won't buy the Imaging Source camera unless I can find a cheap one.
文章: 192
註冊時間: 2015-10-18, 12:37
來自: 香港

Re: 初會木星

文章sing lau » 2016-06-23, 09:59

David 寫:I don't know the quality of a $300 webcam though.... If I were you, I would check out the pictures taken by that webcam and see if I like what I see.

He is (once) attracted by the webcam I bought. Much better than DSLR already. I think he would be satisfied as well if he only plays planetary photography. And he has a C6 :?
Add oil!!
sing lau
文章: 245
註冊時間: 2015-02-13, 16:58
來自: 香港

Re: 初會木星

文章David » 2016-06-25, 19:54

Anyway, I am glad that you are finally observing!

To develop your visual skill, try to move on to a few DSO with a pair of binoculars and then with your C6. Try M7, M8, M20 and M22 first. They all look reasonably good in both binoculars and a 6 inch scope. Also, they are relatively easy to find in the summer sky.
APM 80/480, SW 120mm Equinox, C8, Obsession 18"UC with Argo Navis & StellarCat
Lunt LS60T/CaK, LS152T with DSII
DMK31AF03, DMK21AF04, DBK21AF04
Mark V Binoviewer, Ethos (3.7mm, 6mm, 13mm), 19mm Panoptic, 5mm TMB mono
文章: 1270
註冊時間: 2010-02-01, 19:33

Re: 初會木星

文章David » 2016-06-25, 19:56

cyrus 寫:First, the webcam is much better than the DSLR, but it seems the drawback is the skills needed are much higher. But I think I can handle it.

I agree that " You get what you pay". But I wonder whether it is the most economic way to enjoy webcam planetary photography. Since I won't buy the Imaging Source camera unless I can find a cheap one.

You use what you can afford but just be reasonable about its performance. Focus more on developing your skills through using whatever you have, whether it is a webcam, a skymap, a C6, or DSLR.

You only observed Jupiter? Why not Saturn and Mars also? They are equally AMAZING visually! I have never seen a picture that looks more real and solid than what I see in my 18 inch.
APM 80/480, SW 120mm Equinox, C8, Obsession 18"UC with Argo Navis & StellarCat
Lunt LS60T/CaK, LS152T with DSII
DMK31AF03, DMK21AF04, DBK21AF04
Mark V Binoviewer, Ethos (3.7mm, 6mm, 13mm), 19mm Panoptic, 5mm TMB mono
文章: 1270
註冊時間: 2010-02-01, 19:33

Re: 初會木星

文章cyrus » 2016-06-25, 20:06

I can only do observing in my home through the window, which faces the west. Since I can't sleep too late.....
So I can only observe Mars and Saturn when after 1200.
文章: 192
註冊時間: 2015-10-18, 12:37
來自: 香港

Re: 初會木星

文章cyrus » 2016-06-25, 20:10

David 寫:Anyway, I am glad that you are finally observing!

To develop your visual skill, try to move on to a few DSO with a pair of binoculars and then with your C6. Try M7, M8, M20 and M22 first. They all look reasonably good in both binoculars and a 6 inch scope. Also, they are relatively easy to find in the summer sky.

But I doubt that whether I can observe these wide field objects with the long focal ratio scope.
文章: 192
註冊時間: 2015-10-18, 12:37
來自: 香港

Re: 初會木星

文章David » 2016-06-28, 18:19

cyrus 寫:But I doubt that whether I can observe these wide field objects with the long focal ratio scope.

M7 will be too large but the rest are fine.

However, the main point is not just to observe but to be able to locate these beginner DSOs. M7 is a big object which is perfect as your first step.
APM 80/480, SW 120mm Equinox, C8, Obsession 18"UC with Argo Navis & StellarCat
Lunt LS60T/CaK, LS152T with DSII
DMK31AF03, DMK21AF04, DBK21AF04
Mark V Binoviewer, Ethos (3.7mm, 6mm, 13mm), 19mm Panoptic, 5mm TMB mono
文章: 1270
註冊時間: 2010-02-01, 19:33

Re: 初會木星

文章cyrus » 2016-06-30, 07:39

So now I have to wait for a suitable day, with pleasant weather..... Definitely not now :oops:
So I think I can use binoculars for those big objects.
文章: 192
註冊時間: 2015-10-18, 12:37
來自: 香港

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