3nm Vs 5nm narrow band imaging
發表於 : 2013-09-15, 09:56
For mono CCD imagaing, people would use narrow band filters. I notice that the Astrodon has 2 standards, namely 3nm and 5nm. As a matter of fact, most astrophotographers use 5nm filters. Part of the reasons I believed is that the price. Both 3nm & 5nm filters are pricy. The prices of 3nm filters are really scary! I am sure that 3nm filters give higher contrast and detail images. Even under full moon situation, I guess 3nm filters are able to do the job! I am not sure about the 5nm filters are able to eliminate the sky gradient under full moon situation. Anyway, the point is that whether it is cost effective under certain situations. I found that for a reasonable 5nm narrow band Ha image, usually takes at least 10 mins. I guess for 3nm narrow band Ha may at take at least 15 mins! This is certainly a higher standard for auto guiding. So the question is that whether 3nm narrow band imaging is beneficially for Guerrilla style (打游擊) in Hong Kong. Any experience sharing?