FLI PL16803 CCD 與 KL4040 sCMOS的對比

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FLI PL16803 CCD 與 KL4040 sCMOS的對比


社長 » 2018-04-26, 10:20

A SNR comparison : PL16803 CCD vs. KL4040 sCMOS - A Paradigm Shift

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It is no surprise that the CCD’s best performance is with a single long exposure. What may be surprising is the Kepler KL4040 has a better signal-to-noise ratio than the PL16803 even with a single long exposure. The signal-to-noise ratio of the KL4040 is better than the PL16803 even when using short exposures that are stacked!

星河科研社為FLI Camera地區代理
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