Stupid Lunt LS160F firstlight in Germany

Equipment (Solar) - 白光、H-Alpha、Cak光譜觀測及攝影器材

Stupid Lunt LS160F firstlight in Germany


社長 » 2011-02-11, 12:15

昨天收到APM Markus Ludes的一封來信,看來我們香港LS160F開光簡單得多..... :lol:


Markus Lundes跟Andy Lunt、NEAF負責人Alan Traino一起創辦Lunt Solar System,08年邀請我成為亞洲區代理,當然我們也不負期望,做了很多研習及推動工作。

----- Quote -----
從: APM Telescopes
到: Savio Fong


when you got your LS 160 , did you have had also to drive around to get gas and all mechanical hardware and no manuell ?

----- Original Message -----
From: APM Telescopes
To: Andy Lunt
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2011 4:23 PM
Subject: LS 160 first light

Hi Andy

Degenhardt is here right now, but its mostly cloudet , very little sun , but it improved

I report now step by step

1, the is quite some dust in the 160 etalon :-( and a long scratch. In sun light its looks real bad :-( , Robert Huwe would kill you if you send him such a filter , but degenhardt will live with it

2, Degenahrdt got last year a BF 34 with LS 152 , working. He used this BF 34 atached to his binoviewer and we saw a yellow sun. By using the supplied BF 34 we see a red sun

does it means the red glas in his older bF 34 is to thin ? Do we need to do here anything ?

3, no user manual supplied. Happyly we can deal with it without , but a minimum should be supplied by you. Somebody not experienced would have biggest problems to make all working well.So it was good that he staid by me.

4, the controller start very slowly and goes up to max. 14.5 PSI, at that maximum we have the perfect image, is that normal`? should it not go higher ?

5, with single eye use we have a great contrast, but by using a Baader 45° Celestron Binoviewer the contrast moves up into a double stack version image, absolutly stunning, do yxou have a explanation for that ?

6, Degenhardt have had to drive around for 1 hour, to get all necassary hardware to connect everything right.,

7, the filter is hyper sensitive against any smallest tild , same the blocking filter.

8, finaly the sky became ok, we could finish the performance test and we are glad , he likes it a lot, me too :-)

9, Now I type him the bill and he will wire the money

please answere my questions of 2,4 and 5

best wishes
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LS 160 Degenhardt-3.jpg (90.52 KiB) 被瀏覽 2872 次
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LS 160 Degenhardt-4.jpg (110.67 KiB) 被瀏覽 2872 次
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