
Equipment (Solar) - 白光、H-Alpha、Cak光譜觀測及攝影器材



David » 2014-06-12, 10:43


I also have little information on the new 8 inch Cassegrain hydrogen alpha scope. First you'll be able to buy it as a fully assembled scope or you can send your scope to them. They will install a threaded adapter on the front of your scope.

This system incorporates to filters on the front of your scope both threaded on individually and are stacked one on top of the other. I think one was an energy rejection filter and the other a UV filter but I'm not sure. The heart of the system goes on the back of scope. It incorporates a couple of collimation lenses and that heated etalon(that heats to 180°), and a blocking filter. This setup is custom-made for any scope and does not change the focal length of your scope. If you want to change your set up to a different scope. Just the collimation lenses would have to be changed. This is still a few months away and prices not set. If the Sun only came out today. They were going to set it up outside. I will add a picture of the scope.
APM 80/480, SW 120mm Equinox, C8, Obsession 18"UC with Argo Navis & StellarCat
Lunt LS60T/CaK, LS152T with DSII
DMK31AF03, DMK21AF04, DBK21AF04
Mark V Binoviewer, Ethos (3.7mm, 6mm, 13mm), 19mm Panoptic, 5mm TMB mono
文章: 1270
註冊時間: 2010-02-01, 19:33

Re: 8吋折反射式日珥鏡

文章社長 » 2014-06-12, 10:57


我也想改一下 :roll:

兩個天文台 - 白鷺湖天文台、西藏自動化天文觀測站
主鏡 - Officina Stellare 500 口徑f3.8 RiFast攝星儀、APM/TMB 254 f9 APO、SkyWatcher Dob 18、305 f8.5 牛頓鏡、Paramount ME 赤道儀
配件 - 2 full sets of Supermonocentrics、Baader Mark V Binoviewer、Ethos、Canon 5D Mark II Mod、FLI Proline 16803冷凍相機、Mercedes SUV
星河科研社 http://www.astro.hk 電郵 saviofong@astro.hk
Site Admin
文章: 12686
註冊時間: 2010-02-01, 14:17
來自: 香港

Re: 8吋折反射式日珥鏡

文章Raymond TSE » 2014-06-12, 11:29

C8, C925, C11 & C14 Solar scopes :lol:

But the largest energy rejection filter from Baader is just 7 inch :roll:

Solar Spectrum has similar heated oven to tune the Etalon to 0.3A and works best with F30. Teleconcentrix is now either 2x or 4x.
For SCT, 2x becomes F20 and 4x becomes F40.

Raymond Tse
最後由 Raymond TSE 於 2014-06-12, 11:35 編輯,總共編輯了 1 次。
Raymond TSE
文章: 132
註冊時間: 2012-03-13, 22:36

Re: 8吋折反射式日珥鏡

文章社長 » 2014-06-12, 11:34

Raymond TSE 寫:C8, C925, C11 & C14 Solar scopes :lol:

But the largest energy rejection filter from Baader is just 7 inch :roll:

Raymond Tse

take it easy, remove the aluminum coating of the primary & secondary mirror, then you got <2% of energy incoming :mrgreen:
兩個天文台 - 白鷺湖天文台、西藏自動化天文觀測站
主鏡 - Officina Stellare 500 口徑f3.8 RiFast攝星儀、APM/TMB 254 f9 APO、SkyWatcher Dob 18、305 f8.5 牛頓鏡、Paramount ME 赤道儀
配件 - 2 full sets of Supermonocentrics、Baader Mark V Binoviewer、Ethos、Canon 5D Mark II Mod、FLI Proline 16803冷凍相機、Mercedes SUV
星河科研社 http://www.astro.hk 電郵 saviofong@astro.hk
Site Admin
文章: 12686
註冊時間: 2010-02-01, 14:17
來自: 香港

Re: 8吋折反射式日珥鏡

文章Raymond TSE » 2014-06-12, 12:12

It may be simplier to use Quark Ha eyepiece for SCT F10 with a reducer 0.7x to get F7.

Then C14F11 + 0.7x =F7.7 may be possible for easy Ha viewing.
Raymond TSE
文章: 132
註冊時間: 2012-03-13, 22:36

Re: 8吋折反射式日珥鏡

文章社長 » 2014-06-12, 12:22

Raymond TSE 寫:It may be simplier to use Quark Ha eyepiece for SCT F10 with a reducer 0.7x to get F7.

Then C14F11 + 0.7x =F7.7 may be possible for easy Ha viewing.

reducer will likely introduce spherical abberation and harm visual performance.
兩個天文台 - 白鷺湖天文台、西藏自動化天文觀測站
主鏡 - Officina Stellare 500 口徑f3.8 RiFast攝星儀、APM/TMB 254 f9 APO、SkyWatcher Dob 18、305 f8.5 牛頓鏡、Paramount ME 赤道儀
配件 - 2 full sets of Supermonocentrics、Baader Mark V Binoviewer、Ethos、Canon 5D Mark II Mod、FLI Proline 16803冷凍相機、Mercedes SUV
星河科研社 http://www.astro.hk 電郵 saviofong@astro.hk
Site Admin
文章: 12686
註冊時間: 2010-02-01, 14:17
來自: 香港

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