去年聖誕去了雲南攝星,除了主要的目的地雙子天文莊園外,也到過麗江一帶遊走。 去到麗江除了麗江古城和束河古城外,玉龍雪山基本上是必到的景點。雖然不是第一次到雲南玉龍雪山,但玉龍雪山的景區甚多,不計不同季節的景色,基本上要去幾次才能欣賞點滴。今次除了天文攝影外,也有旅遊的元素。所以也帶了較多的相機鏡頭。 有一天,遊覽完玉龍雪山,回程時發現有一個位置相當適合作星野攝影。晚飯後,就立即找司機去這個有山有水寧靜的地方拍攝。在夜靜無人,漆黑的星空下和近零度的環境拍攝是非常具挑戰。老實說在這些曠野地方,如果一個人真是沒有膽量停留拍攝。我們一行三人在這個地方互相壯膽,戰鬥了三小時,然後回酒店休息。
拍攝資料: D810A, Tamron 15-30/2.8 @17mm f 2.8, ISO 6400, 1 mins
拍攝資料: D810A, Tamron 15-30/2.8 @17mm f 2.8, ISO 6400, 1 mins x 123
I went to Yunnan last Christmas for a hybrid trip of astrophotography and site seeing. Apart from the Gemini Observatory, the Old Town of Lijiang is certainly a fascinating mix and match of different Chinese culture of ethnic groups. The Yulong Snow Mountain is a must visit spot. There are many scenic spots in Yulong Snow Mountain. Regardless of the scenery in different seasons, it is basically necessary to go a few times to enjoy the bits and pieces. In addition to astrophotography, there are also elements of tourism this time. So, I brought more camera lenses to suit the situation. One day after returning from Yulong Snow Mountain, I found a location that is suitable for Astro-nightscape photography. After dinner that night, I asked a driver to take us to this quiet place. The site was dead lonely. On the frozen field beneath the starry night, it was very challenging to take photos. Honestly, in these wilderness areas, I dare not to photo on my own! Luckily, We three supported one another and struggled for three hours. When we backed to the hotel, we were all exhausted!
After returning to Hong Kong, the school was forced to suspend classes due to the novel coronavirus outbreak. The school is very busy to cope with the situation. As a result, I didn't have time to process the photos. Finally, I shorten my resting time and make room to temporarily process two Astro-nightscape photos.
Yulong seeing the heaven.
Photographic details: D810A, Tamron 15-30/2.8 @17mm f 2.8, ISO 6400, 1 mins x 1
Yulong lurked nearby silvery river and under the spinning stars.
Photographic details: D810A, Tamron 15-30/2.8 @17mm f 2.8, ISO 6400, 1 mins x 123