Maximum elongation of Mercury: Mission failure!!!

Observing (Solar system) - 行星、月球、彗星、小行星等各項目視及攝影技巧

Maximum elongation of Mercury: Mission failure!!!


willis » 2010-09-19, 12:06

It is one of my listed challenges that to image Mercury. This morning I woke up at 3:00am & went to Shek O with Lewis. I knew the weather forecast was bad. The sky condition was bad when I wake up at 3:00am. I told myself that if I give up, the chance is zero. If I insist to go, there still some chance to achieve it. Finally the mission is failed. I needed to wait for next elongation.
Both Lewis & I used 8” SCT, mine was M8 & Lewis’ scope was C8. We planned to use 5X Powermate to make the tiny bean to sufficiently big. But we failed to see anything. When we arrived Shek O at about 3:45am, we saw barely two stars only. We guessed they were Rigel & Betelgeuse. They were on & off in the sky. The condition was really disappointing. We did the setup quick & stared at the east. Mercury of magnitude -0.58 didn’t show up! We waited until the sky became totally bright & went to have breakfast together. This is the end of a failed mission log… :(
Willis’ equipment list:
TV5X Powermate
DSC7426.jpg (79.56 KiB) 被瀏覽 4155 次
DSC7407.jpg (63.95 KiB) 被瀏覽 4155 次
Tak FS60C, APM-LOMO 80/480, APM-TMB 105/650, SW Black Diamond 120ED, Borg 125SD, SW 12" Dobs , Lunt LS35T, Lunt LS80T
TMB Super Mono 4mm, Pentax XO 2.5mm, Baader Planetarium 8-24mm, Nagler (2-4mm, 3-6mm, 13mm), Ethos (3.7mm, 6mm, 10mm), Explore Scientific 100º (14mm, 20mm)
DBK 21, DMK 21, DMK 41, DMK 51, ASI 178MC
Nikon D810A, Canon 5D II, Fujifilm X-T10
文章: 1526
註冊時間: 2010-02-01, 17:50
來自: HK

Re: Maximum elongation of Mercury: Mission failure!!!

文章Lewis » 2010-09-19, 12:23

One good thing in this trip, I can successfully setup LPI, 5X Powermate with C8 to focus the far object of street light. But still cannot adjust the better exposure of video :twisted: :<~~~.

Willis, I doubly checked the Stellarium, those two stars are Procyon and Sirius.
文章: 380
註冊時間: 2010-02-03, 07:52

Re: Maximum elongation of Mercury: Mission failure!!!

文章社長 » 2010-09-19, 12:56

willis 寫:I told myself that if I give up, the chance is zero. If I insist to go, there still some chance to achieve it.


回想去年7月,我們定在蘇州觀看本世紀最長日全食,據事前預報安徽那裡是最好、江蘇那裡機會大些...... 但最後整個華東都籠罩在雷雨區內,日食帶掃過2億人口的多城市,但東部最理想的城市也只有數分鐘時間看到日食,人口最多的上海,則10萬人在狂風驟雨下聽天由命。

日食早上八時多開始,我在前一晚的午夜時份還在未下決定,究竟是往西開車數百公里逃出雷雨區? 往東走在海邊聽天由命? 留在蘇州打發時間? 坦白說,當數千萬人和我一樣命運時,我有足夠的理由去放棄的。但我最後告訴自己,不能守株待兔,早上6時開車無目的地的向西行,走到那裡見藍天就停在那裡,因為日食是要追的,不是守的。到了早上7時了多,天色並沒有好轉,隨行的西班牙隊伍已開始埋怨我是否做錯決定,打電話說浙江臨海一帶有轉機,不如回頭云云。我很清楚要看足整個日食過程是不切實際的了,但那5分鐘才是精華,錯過了其餘部份,看到了那5分鐘就無憾。

結果半小時後在我們看到頭頂出現一片藍天,就馬上在高速公路上最近的汽車服務區停下來,日食已開始了,再花半小時加起望遠鏡,天色也漸轉晴,最後從全食前一分鐘到生光後一分鐘,看足7分鐘不受干擾的世紀日食,生光後半小時又烏雲密佈,甚至又下起雨來,但我們已心滿意足未待日食完結便收拾東西,下午三時回到上海機場,傍晚時份帶著勝利的心情回到香港。 ... le?mid=506
兩個天文台 - 白鷺湖天文台、西藏自動化天文觀測站
主鏡 - Officina Stellare 500 口徑f3.8 RiFast攝星儀、APM/TMB 254 f9 APO、SkyWatcher Dob 18、305 f8.5 牛頓鏡、Paramount ME 赤道儀
配件 - 2 full sets of Supermonocentrics、Baader Mark V Binoviewer、Ethos、Canon 5D Mark II Mod、FLI Proline 16803冷凍相機、Mercedes SUV
星河科研社 電郵
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文章: 12686
註冊時間: 2010-02-01, 14:17
來自: 香港

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