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澳洲 C/2011 W3(Lovejoy) 彗星

文章發表於 : 2012-01-03, 09:19
Henry Wu
12/19 出發前往澳洲拍天文
沒想 12/24 + 12/27 到會遇到如此壯觀的慧星 C/2011 W3(Lovejoy) 彗星
於南緯 39 度拍攝時
目視時還當成是南級光 哈哈........

Re: 澳洲 C/2011 W3(Lovejoy) 彗星

文章發表於 : 2012-01-03, 09:38
Wow! :o It's stunning! Can u tell us more about the photographic details? What about the visual? What is the color of the comet visually? I haven't seen any comet. :|

Re: 澳洲 C/2011 W3(Lovejoy) 彗星

文章發表於 : 2012-01-03, 09:45
OMG :shock:

華文圈內沒看見多少關這顆彗星的報導,就僅Astrocafe你、David和Tony的照片,你的照片拍出了這顆彗星的壯觀一面,的確一張照片道出千言萬語,"a picture is worth thousand words".


Re: 澳洲 C/2011 W3(Lovejoy) 彗星

文章發表於 : 2012-01-03, 09:51
willis 寫:I haven't seen any comet. :|

這帖有顆13.9等的,但從點擊率及零回覆,證明大家興趣不大  :lol:


Re: 澳洲 C/2011 W3(Lovejoy) 彗星

文章發表於 : 2012-01-03, 10:05
Henry Wu
12-24_AM MG_9608--Modify---Cut1000
==> 2011/12/24 AM 3:08 Canon 5D2 (改 UV/IR) + 14mm F2.8 使用於 f3.5 + 45秒 + ISO 1000
攝於澳洲墨爾本 南方大洋路 十二門徒 S 38度 40' 6.5" E143度 06' 43.1"

12-27 AM4_MG_9806--Mod--1000
==> 2011/12/27 AM 4:08 Canon 5D2 (改 UV/IR) + 14mm F2.8 使用於 f3.5 + 45秒 + ISO 1000
攝於澳洲Bendigo S 36度 53' 9" E144度 13' 46.9"

Re: 澳洲 C/2011 W3(Lovejoy) 彗星

文章發表於 : 2012-01-03, 10:15
社長 寫:
willis 寫:I haven't seen any comet. :|

這帖有顆13.9等的,但從點擊率及零回覆,證明大家興趣不大  :lol:


I mean those comets I can see visually, not photographically. What is next comet which can be seen in Northern hemisphere visually? Any links?

Re: 澳洲 C/2011 W3(Lovejoy) 彗星

文章發表於 : 2012-01-03, 10:16
社長 寫:
willis 寫:I haven't seen any comet. :|

這帖有顆13.9等的,但從點擊率及零回覆,證明大家興趣不大  :lol:


I mean those comets I can see visually, not photographically. What is next comet which can be seen in Northern hemisphere visually? Any links?

Re: 澳洲 C/2011 W3(Lovejoy) 彗星

文章發表於 : 2012-01-03, 10:18
Henry Wu 寫:12-24_AM MG_9608--Modify---Cut1000
==> 2011/12/24 AM 3:08 Canon 5D2 (改 UV/IR) + 14mm F2.8 使用於 f3.5 + 45秒 + ISO 1000
攝於澳洲墨爾本 南方大洋路 十二門徒 S 38度 40' 6.5" E143度 06' 43.1"

12-27 AM4_MG_9806--Mod--1000
==> 2011/12/27 AM 4:08 Canon 5D2 (改 UV/IR) + 14mm F2.8 使用於 f3.5 + 45秒 + ISO 1000
攝於澳洲Bendigo S 36度 53' 9" E144度 13' 46.9"

Thanks for telling. BTW, Is ur 5DII, Baader modified or IDAS modified, or really clear glass modified so that it responses from IR to UV?

Re: 澳洲 C/2011 W3(Lovejoy) 彗星

文章發表於 : 2012-01-03, 10:23
willis 寫:I mean those comets I can see visually, not photographically. What is next comet which can be seen in Northern hemisphere visually? Any links?

yes, Dec 20 at Tibet, very big one, see this link,


我在西藏的方舟已造好了,你呢?  :roll:

Re: 澳洲 C/2011 W3(Lovejoy) 彗星

文章發表於 : 2012-01-03, 10:24
Henry Wu 寫:12-24_AM MG_9608--Modify---Cut1000
==> 2011/12/24 AM 3:08 Canon 5D2 (改 UV/IR) + 14mm F2.8 使用於 f3.5 + 45秒 + ISO 1000
攝於澳洲墨爾本 南方大洋路 十二門徒 S 38度 40' 6.5" E143度 06' 43.1"

12-27 AM4_MG_9806--Mod--1000
==> 2011/12/27 AM 4:08 Canon 5D2 (改 UV/IR) + 14mm F2.8 使用於 f3.5 + 45秒 + ISO 1000
攝於澳洲Bendigo S 36度 53' 9" E144度 13' 46.9"

全片幅配14mm鏡頭已夠廣了,但彗星在照片上仍顯得那麼長,夠誇張了  :shock:


Re: 澳洲 C/2011 W3(Lovejoy) 彗星

文章發表於 : 2012-01-03, 12:21
社長 寫:
willis 寫:I haven't seen any comet. :|

這帖有顆13.9等的,但從點擊率及零回覆,證明大家興趣不大  :lol:



現在 C/2009 P1 Garradd 約 7.3 等,但可惜是晨早日出前可見,有點難度。

Re: 澳洲 C/2011 W3(Lovejoy) 彗星

文章發表於 : 2012-01-03, 13:08
若Dob 16也不成,那多等一年吧!

Dob 18及20已在工程設計中,採用蜂巢式主鏡的,重量輕、散熱快 :twisted:

Re: 澳洲 C/2011 W3(Lovejoy) 彗星

文章發表於 : 2012-01-03, 16:56
Henry Wu
結束此次南半球天文拍攝堪察 也為 今年的11/14 的澳洲日全食而鋪路

Dob 18及20已在工程設計中,採用蜂巢式主鏡的,重量輕、散熱快
==> 蜂巢式主鏡的,重量輕 我極有興趣 出來時請通知
我的私人遠端遙控天文台預計於 4 月底前完成啟用
為 3m x4m 大小 可同時容納兩 赤道儀來拍攝
此次澳洲已攜帶 SBIG STL 11K 回台灣
NJP 也將於 今年於 2月底由南美回程時於美國轉機時 攜回台灣

==> Yes 不是那麼冷 只是超級凍 :shock:

Re: 澳洲 C/2011 W3(Lovejoy) 彗星

文章發表於 : 2012-01-03, 17:36
Henry Wu 寫:剛由澳洲回台北辦公室
結束此次南半球天文拍攝堪察 也為 今年的11/14 的澳洲日全食而鋪路

Dob 18及20已在工程設計中,採用蜂巢式主鏡的,重量輕、散熱快
==> 蜂巢式主鏡的,重量輕 我極有興趣 出來時請通知
我的私人遠端遙控天文台預計於 4 月底前完成啟用
為 3m x4m 大小 可同時容納兩 赤道儀來拍攝
此次澳洲已攜帶 SBIG STL 11K 回台灣
NJP 也將於 今年於 2月底由南美回程時於美國轉機時 攜回台灣

==> Yes 不是那麼冷 只是超級凍 :shock:

Skywatcher為保障鏡材供應穏定,決定自己開設生產線,但成品最快要年底才有。這公司挺厲害,短短數年間把業餘愛好者用的器材推上不知幾個層次,現在Dob 16也走入平常百姓家了。


什麼叫超級凍?我在西藏零下十二度又不是一件內衣一件外套走出去?又或者穿著羽絨趟在地上拍魚眼星跡  :lol:

Re: 澳洲 C/2011 W3(Lovejoy) 彗星

文章發表於 : 2012-01-03, 19:12
Henry Wu
Dob 18及20 可能是多少 F 值

Re: 澳洲 C/2011 W3(Lovejoy) 彗星

文章發表於 : 2012-01-03, 20:21
Wow, the comet is so bright!

Re: 澳洲 C/2011 W3(Lovejoy) 彗星

文章發表於 : 2012-01-03, 20:58
Henry Wu 寫:Dob 18及20 可能是多少 F 值


Re: 澳洲 C/2011 W3(Lovejoy) 彗星

文章發表於 : 2012-01-19, 01:24
I saw David's pics on facebook, already very beautiful!!
Henry's ones here are just so freaking amazing!! :o
You should send it to Australian Sky & Telescope. It will get published!!
I saw some pics of comet Lovejoy from the Western Australia, taken before it "plunged" into the sun, but not much after that.
Eastern Australia's weather was very unstable in the last two months ... I have been waiting for a good night and go shooting before I come back to HK ...

David and Henry flew thousands of kilometres overseas and shot these wonderful photos
um ... i should kick myself out of my house, drive my car to the West or down to Melbourne and do some observation and imaging practice !!!!!!!!!

Re: 澳洲 C/2011 W3(Lovejoy) 彗星

文章發表於 : 2012-01-19, 09:19
pleiades 寫:David and Henry flew thousands of kilometres overseas and shot these wonderful photos

You sound like I went to Argentina mostly for the comet! Of course I went there for the waterfalls.

In fact, the weather forecast for my few days there had never been good and so I didn't expect clear sky at night. I left my beloved 15x50 IS binocular at home. It was only when I was on the plane to Santiago (Chile, where the forecast was consistently sunny) when I suddenly realised that I was going to a hemispehre with the comet, and then I may be able to see in in Chile.

Eventually, I didn't watch in Chile as the balcony didn't face east (Even a comet could not get me to go downstairs and looked eastward!) and there was lots of light pollution near the airport. In Argentina, however, the sky was mostly clear from dust till dawn no matter how cloudy it was during daytime. So after watching the southern sky for the first time last summer with you, here I was watching the two Magellanic Clouds again every night. I was so spoilt that, in my final night there, I decided to keep sleeping after waking up at 3am.