兩小時的日面動畫 - AR1100 by LS75F

Observing (Solar) - 白光、Ha、Cak等光譜觀測及拍攝

兩小時的日面動畫 - AR1100 by LS75F


社長 » 2010-08-24, 16:30

Quote :

hello, here is a link to a movie of an active filament in AR1100 captured with a lunt 75mm hydrogen alpha filter. it was captured at 1 minute intervals and shows the filament whipping around like a horsetail. please remeber it may take some time to download, but worth the wait

http://mbucky.files.wordpress.com/2010/ ... ug2010.gif

some intersting solar action, it was captured on 20 aug from 1655-1857 UT

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註冊時間: 2010-02-01, 14:17
來自: 香港

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